Bid to host Congress 2026
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Partnership opportunities
Partnership opportunities
Partnership opportunities
hydropower pro
Kalla – Bukaka Hydropower is a business unit developed by Kalla Group and PT. Bukaka Teknik Utama which operates in the field of New and Renewable Energy. To support the Indonesian Government program in pursuing the 23% New and Renewable Energy target by 2025, Kalla – Bukaka Hydropower utilize water resource to build Hydropower Plant in several region in Indonesia to fulfill energy needs and at the same time reduce world carbon emissions.
Kalla- Bukaka Hydropower has succeeded in building several hydropower plants that supply electricity in several region in Indonesia. Among them are Poso Peaker 515 MW HEPP built by PT. Poso Energy and Malea 90 MW HEPP built by PT. Malea Energi. And also there are several ongoing projects, such as Kerinci 350 MW HEPP which is currently under construction phase by PT. Kerinci Merangin Hydro, and in the Feasibility Study phase like Poso-3 400 MW HEPP under PT. Poso Energy and Mamuju Tumbuan HEPP 450 MW under PT. Tumbuan Mamuju Energy.