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hydropower pro
Hydropower continues to make the largest contribution to renewable energy sources in the ASEAN region. Renewable energy sources accounted for 102 GW of installed capacity in Southeast Asian countries at the end of 2022, of which 55% came from hydropower. With its capability to provide flexibility services to the grid and low operational costs, hydropower will play a critical role in the region’s energy transition.
While Southeast Asia has seen a growing deployment of hydropower in recent years, the region still has the highest untapped hydropower potential globally, along with South and Central Asia, according to International Hydropower Association’s 2023 World Hydropower Outlook.
The hosting of the 2023 World Hydropower Congress in the ASEAN region provides an opportunity to lead the conversation on how hydropower can support global ambitions for sustainable development. The Bali Statement on Powering Sustainable Growth, which is to be published at the close of the Congress, will recommend actions for governments to place hydropower as the backbone of national strategies to build thriving, low-carbon economies bolstered by clean, renewable energy.
This session will discuss the outlook of hydropower and key trends in the ASEAN region, including countries’ plans, and opportunities and challenges for the development of sustainable hydropower to enable climate goals, ensure energy security and power sustainable growth.