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hydropower pro
Net zero is not possible without hydropower: “water, wind and sun gets the job done”. IHA’s 2023 World Hydropower Outlook revealed the stark reality that development is still falling well short of what is needed according to projections by the International Energy Agency.
As the backbone of the renewable energy mix, hydropower provides the flexibility, reliability and stability that is needed to enable variable renewables such as wind and solar to be developed at scale. With the right combination of policy frameworks, market mechanisms and government will, it has the potential to supercharge the drive towards net zero.
While hydropower’s potential is vast, it must be done in the right way. The San José Declaration on Sustainable Hydropower outlined that "Sustainable hydropower is a clean, green, modern and affordable solution to climate change. Going forward, the only acceptable hydropower is sustainable hydropower".
Building on these principles, this plenary session will focus on sustainable hydropower's role in helping governments meet their net-zero objectives, and how progress can be accelerated.