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Partnership opportunities
Partnership opportunities
hydropower pro
In South and Central Asia, hydropower represents significant opportunities for the region's development and net zero transition. Harnessing untapped hydropower resources can be an immensely important contributor to energy security and economic growth, as the region experiences rapid population growth and increasing energy demands.
In 2022, the entire region saw nearly 2 GW of new hydropower installed, with many large-scale projects nearing completion and others set to be commissioned in 2024–25. This is due to many governments in the region making commitments and prioritising financial incentivisation policies, as well as creating targets for renewables (including hydropower), across 2022 and early 2023. Regional partnerships have also begun to take shape across borders as governments encourage the development of hydropower.
Adaptation and resilience measures – like hydropower – are incredibly important for a region that is already facing the impacts of climate change. To exploit the immense hydropower potential in the region successfully demands a strategic, environmentally conscious, and collaborative approach, underscoring the importance of international cooperation in this area.
This session will examine the latest trends and developments that are shaping the region, including: