Bid to host Congress 2026
Partnership opportunities
Venue and travel
Partnership opportunities
Partnership opportunities
Partnership opportunities
hydropower pro
Capacity building programmes play a crucial role in equipping hydropower developers, governments and local communities with tools, knowledge and expertise to make informed decisions towards a robust and resilient hydropower sector that aligns with global sustainability goals.
Our capacity building programmes aim to foster in-country expertise to measure and guide hydropower development through the application of the Hydropower Sustainability Standard (HSS). The intended impact is that more sustainable hydropower is planned and developed thanks to strengthened institutional capacity, enhanced skills to manage environmental, social and governance issues, and increased access to climate finance investments.
The session will bring together partners from the capacity building programmes in Tajikistan, Indonesia, Colombia and Albania supported by the Swiss Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) to share experience and lessons learned on the application of the HSS.
• Learn about the environmental, social and economic advantages that arise from adopting sustainability practices
• Discuss capacity building strategies for effective adoption of sustainability practices into company policies and regulatory frameworks
• Understand the challenges and opportunities of implementing the HSS through case studies and success stories from around the world