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Catherine Stewart was appointed as Canada’s Ambassador for Climate Change in August 2022. With over 25 years in the federal government, Ambassador Stewart’s most recent role was Assistant Deputy Minister of International Affairs at Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC).
Since 2014, she has served in senior executive roles at ECCC including as Canada’s Chief Negotiator for Climate Change, Director General Multilateral Affairs and Climate Change, and Director General for the Americas.
Prior to joining ECCC, Ambassador Stewart was Director, Strategic Policy and Integration for the National Fighter Jet Procurement Secretariat and served as an executive at the Privy Council Office.
She also worked on defence and security policy at the Department of National Defence over the span of a decade, covering areas such as Cabinet affairs, Ministerial speechwriting and Canada’s participation in the NATO Alliance.
Prior to joining the federal government, Ambassador Stewart worked on a United Nations peacekeeping and electoral mission in Mozambique.
She holds a Bachelor of Arts from McGill University and a Master of Arts in Public Administration from Carleton University, and is married and has three sons.