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Partnership opportunities
Partnership opportunities
Partnership opportunities
hydropower pro
One of the main challenges faced by the hydropower sector today is to ensure that the existing fleet of assets is ready to stand the challenges that will arise tomorrow.
Over 40% of hydropower’s global fleet is at least 40 years old. This presents a huge challenge for the sector, but it is also an excellent opportunity to make sure that the existing fleet is ready to support the evolution of a modern power system and increase its resilience towards extreme climatic events.
This session will review the current drivers and trends in modernisation, offering the opportunity to review successful cases and identify the main barriers currently limiting investment in these projects.
Panellists will explore the main barriers encountered by plant owners when it comes to implementing modernisation projects on their assets, and how these can be overcome.
The session will also review examples of technologies and best practices that should be considered during modernisation projects. These include: