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Director Marissa Cerezo has been working in the energy sector for more than 25 years.
She was appointed as Director IV of the Renewable Energy Management Bureau (REMB) on 11 January 2023. Director Cerezo oversees the implementation of the Renewable Energy Act of 2008 (RE Act) and its implementing rules and regulations as well as the development of new policies and strategies to meet the objectives of the RE Act through greater promotion, exploration, commercialisation, and utilisation of RE and promotion of the biofuels program in the country.
Before her assignment as Director of REMB, she served as Assistant Director of the same bureau for almost 10 years. She was among those who led the formulation of the National Renewable Energy Program (NREP) 2020-2040 and the implementation of various RE Policy Mechanisms such as the Green Energy Auction Program (GEAP), Green Energy Option Program (GEOP), RE Market, Feed-In-Tariff and Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS), among others.
She serves as DOE’s official representative to various international events such as the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), APEC Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technology (EGNRET), ASEAN Renewable Energy-Sub Sector Network (RE-SSN). She is also the alternate representative to the Philippine National Oil Company – Renewables Corporation (PNOC-RC) Board.
Director Cerezo graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Geology and a Bachelor of Laws in 1991 and 2003, respectively.