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hydropower pro
Bruce Douglas is the CEO of Global Renewables Alliance, a unified voice of industry bodies and organisations representing the wind, solar, hydropower, green hydrogen, energy storage and geothermal sectors.
He is also the Business and Communications Director at Eurelectric; a Member of RE100 Advisory Committee; a Member of EnergyTag Advisory Committee; the Founding Chairman of the Global Solar Council, the Chairman of the IRENA Business and Investor Group; a Member of IEA Renewable Industry Advisory Board; an Expert-Member of the EU-GCC Clean Energy Network; a Member of the Clean Energy Ministerial Multilateral Solar and Wind Working Group; a Member of the Intersolar Europe Conference Committee.
Mr Douglas has 25 years of experience in the energy sector, mostly dealing with strategic, operational and financial matters across a range of international markets and promoting renewable energy and electrification. Prior to joining Eurelectric, he was the Deputy CEO of SolarPower Europe. Earlier in his career, Mr Douglas spent 10 years with WindEurope in the capacity of Head of Sales and Marketing and COO. He also founded the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) and the Global Solar Council (GSC).
Mr Douglas holds an MSc in Renewable Energy Systems Technology from Loughborough University (UK).