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hydropower pro
Martin Fuchs holds a PhD in Hydrology from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU Vienna) and took his Master's degree in Civil Engineering and Water Management at the same university. He worked as a visiting scientist at the water resources division of the USGS in Denver and as a research assistant at BOKU Vienna. His research work focused on assessing the impact of climate change on surface and groundwater hydrology.
Since 2001, he has worked as a hydrologist and hydropower consultant for Pöyry (now AFRY), being involved in many hydropower and water resources projects worldwide. In 2008, Martin became head of the Hydro-consulting section in Vienna, which is AFRY's competence centre for Hydrology and Climate Change. He was part of the advisory panel for the Hydropower Sector Climate Resilience Guide, which was issued at the World Hydropower Congress in 2019. Since then, he has applied the guide to several large hydropower schemes in Europe, Asia and Africa, both as a climate resilience expert and as a project manager.