Bid to host Congress 2026
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Partnership opportunities
Partnership opportunities
Partnership opportunities
hydropower pro
Jeff Opperman is World Wide Fund for Nature's global lead freshwater scientist, working across the WWF network and with external partners to direct research that can strengthen conservation strategies and to integrate science into freshwater programs and projects. Jeff has more than 50 scientific publications and is the lead author of the book Floodplains: processes and management for ecosystem services, published in 2017. Much of Jeff’s research has focused on the interaction of water-management infrastructure and river and floodplain systems. He has led interdisciplinary research teams that have analysed how countries can meet projected electricity demands with power systems that are low carbon and that minimise impacts on rivers and their resources. He is a regular contributor to the energy and sustainability sections of Forbes.com and has published essays and op-eds in The New York Times, The Guardian, Foreign Policy, and Outside Magazine. Jeff holds a PhD in ecosystem science from the University of California, Berkeley and a BSc in biology from Duke University.