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Partnership opportunities
Partnership opportunities
Partnership opportunities
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Martin Stottele assumed his current position as the Team Leader of the “Renewable Energy Skills Development Project” in Indonesia, financed by the Government of Switzerland, in December 2020.
After concluding his studies at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences, leading to a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering, Martin worked with ABB High-voltage Technologies Ltd. in Switzerland as Commissioning Engineer and Erection-Project Manager. Later, he headed the switchgear group’s installation and commissioning department of ABB. As of 1991, Martin has been heading various development projects in Indonesia, Albania, and Bangladesh.
Martin has specialised knowledge of project management, market development, operational aspects as well as the organisation and logistics of complex project implementations. Thematic experience includes working for 25 years in vocational education and training, mainly at tertiary and post-secondary level, experience in electrical engineering and renewable energy, maintenance and repair, environmental aspects and commissioning of high-voltage switchgear. Furthermore, Martin held the position of Head of Economic Development Cooperation with SECO at the Embassy of Switzerland in Indonesia for more than 4 years until 2018 and worked as a freelance consultant in development cooperation from 2018 to 2020.
Martin is a Swiss citizen and has lived and worked for 10 years in Switzerland, 24 years in Indonesia, 6 years in Albania along with many other countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, Oceania and on shorter terms.