Bid to host Congress 2026
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Zviad Gachechiladze is member of the Board of Directors and director of organised markets development, interconnections and electricity accounting at the Georgian State Electrosystem (GSE). The responsibility of Zviad Gachechiladze in GSE is to supervise detailed feasibility study about the Black Sea Submarine Cable Project and to manage development of balancing and ancillary market.
Before moving to GSE, in 2014-2022, Zviad Gachechiladze worked at the Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission and in different years held leading positions as first deputy director and director of electricity department. Currently, Zviad Gachechiladze is CEER expert in eastern partnership countries in the EU4Energy project for Promoting Clean Energy Transition – Empowering Consumers Through Better Regulation.
Since 2013, he was the head of the technical direction of the Association of Young Professionals in Energy of Georgia (AYPEG) and from 2013-2014 was a counsellor to Deloitte Consulting in matters of electricity market development. Previously, he worked as a power plant, transmission system operator in the Ministry of Economy. He graduated from the Faculty of Energy of the Technical University of Georgia. Zviad has been awarded the academic degree of Doctor of Sciences and is an invited associate professor at the Energy and Telecommunication Faculty of Georgian Technical University.