Bid to host Congress 2026
Partnership opportunities
Venue and travel
Partnership opportunities
Partnership opportunities
Partnership opportunities
hydropower pro
Sanmit Ahuja is an environmental and sustainability expert specialising in building multi-stakeholder ecosystems, technology transfer and green finance.
He has successfully completed more than 50 technology transfers initiatives, developed over 30 projects in water, waste, renewable energy and agriculture sectors where he designed commercial off-take agreements, bidding strategies and strategic partnerships.
He has designed several green financing structures including but not limited to YieldCos, credit enhancement structures and water/environment bonds. He sits on numerous Government panels and on the management boards of more than 10 sustainability focused companies around the world.
He has worked on programmes funded by World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Commonwealth, EU, Japan, UK-DFID, NORAD (Norway) and many others.
Sanmit holds an MBA from London Business School and an Engineering Degree, Electronics.