Bid to host Congress 2026
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Partnership opportunities
Partnership opportunities
Partnership opportunities
hydropower pro
Tri Mumpuni is an agricultural engineer who has campaigned for more than twenty years to replace diesel-powered generators in remote rural areas in Indonesia with micro-hydropower plants. She has worked to implement renewable energy development in collaboration with various stakeholders, including the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and state electricity company (PLN). The organisation she leads, IBEKA, has successfully built more than 70 micro hydro-based community empowerment projects in various locations throughout Indonesia, along with several training activities for the Philippines and Rwanda.
Ms Mumpuni has joined missions, supported by the Islamic Development Bank, to Palestine for the development of renewable energy in an effort to alleviate poverty in Palestine. She has also been a guest lecturer at several universities in the United States (Auburn, Ohio University, Cornell, MIT, Princeton, Colorado School of Mines, University of Pennsylvania), Japan (Kwensi Gakuin University, Nagoya University, Tokyo University) and regularly speaks in international fora such as the World Economic Forum in Davos, Tianjin, Positive Economy in France and Hivos in the Netherlands.
Ms Mumpuni has received several awards for her work, including the Global Peace Award and the Ashden Award both in 2012. She was chosen as one of the recipients of the 2011 Ramon Magsaysay Award as a tribute to her efforts on providing access to energy services through renewable energy technology for communities in remote villages.
Ms Mumpuni was appointed as one of the Senior Advisors to the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in 2015-2016 and to the Ministry of Development of Disadvantaged Areas and Transmigration in 2016-2017.